Browsing Archive: January, 2010

Final Brum

Posted by Dickie Webb on Friday, January 29, 2010, In : Projects 
Last day on the commute.  Back to the shires now to get to work on developing the studies have done.  Busy week ahead tho so will see how much work I get done.  Pitt Rivers show opens this week with preview on the 4th of Feb.  So check out disGuise and Dolls at the Pitt Rivers museum in Oxford.  Following week preview at Gallery 27, Cort St London.  For the 'We're Very You' exhibitition.  So time to knuckle down and may a few less updates so bear with me.


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Brum walk... Day 2

Posted by Dickie Webb on Thursday, January 28, 2010, In : Projects 
My three day commute to Birmingham continues.. I am really starting to get a feel for this new project.. A lot of photos already in the bank, i'm mainly looking at the way Birmingham is going through a rebirth. Out with the old and in with the new.. However how does the new sit with the old and when its all done will the new be old?
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Three days in Brum... Day 1

Posted by Richard Webb on Thursday, January 28, 2010, In : Projects 

I am currently researching for a new project. Day 1 brought some inspiring images will see what day two brings... 

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Exhibition News...

Posted by Richard Webb on Friday, January 22, 2010, In : Exhibitions and Shows 

I will be showing a portrait in this upcoming exhibition opening on the 11th of February.  Please have a look if you live in the London area.


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First post on the new blog!!

Posted by Richard Webb on Thursday, January 21, 2010, In : Exhibitions and Shows 
Hi all...

Busy start to 2000 plus 10..

I ahve just finished my piece for an upcoming show in Oxford, UK.  The show is title 'DisGuise and Dolls' and will be on from the 5th of February through to 21st of March at the Pitt Rivers Museum.

My piece is part of a group show from Oxford Brookes Foundation course.  I will upload some photos and more details nearer the time however you can see my piece 'My name is Wilf' on my site.

Here's a link to the Museum go visit pretty awsome venue pretty honoured ...

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