Browsing Archive: October, 2010

Weekend of reading...

Posted by Dickie Webb on Saturday, October 30, 2010, In : Projects 
Feels like I have taken a journey through so many blogs and sites this weekend.. Never ending information feed.  

I find my self increasingly being influenced by the building and structures around me.  Whether this comes from spending so much time in the outdoors in the mountains away from all this.. This being the confinement yet the reliance.. It feels like in the city everything needs everything else yet in turn everything rejects one another.  The posts on the sites I have been reading ar...

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Train of thought

Posted by Dickie Webb on Saturday, October 30, 2010, In : Projects 

Reading further through some of the posts and pages on the Pop Up City blog has been really informing and reassuring leading me to sites such as this one

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Internet Wanderings... Places of interest....

Posted by Dickie Webb on Friday, October 29, 2010, In : Projects

Checked out this website today whilst looking at rooftop signs and billboards..  Really good site many posts relating to the work I am currently thinking about.  This post is really interesting in how it shows us the results of Sao Paulo's decision to stop all street advertising.  The before and after pictures really do show how the city came back to life once the signs were removed.  Old buildings reappeared and streets came back to life quit...
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Space Escape..

Posted by Dickie Webb on Friday, October 29, 2010, In : ECA 

First one of a series....

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Space release...

Posted by Dickie Webb on Thursday, October 21, 2010, In : ECA 

Results of the inner space running out.. It's weird to see how if made its own path and sat on the paper the way it did for thirty hours.  The results seem to work so I am planning on working with this idea in further experiments.

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Free inner space..

Posted by Dickie Webb on Wednesday, October 20, 2010, In : ECA 

While updating my blog with these photos the inner space was continually melting and leaving its mark on the paper beneath.  I have no control over this piece and how it unfolds.  I will see in the morning as to how it finally is free.

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In and Outer Space...

Posted by Dickie Webb on Wednesday, October 20, 2010, In : ECA 

These two forms were once one and once apart they change and operate differently.  The outer shell needs and require the inner space to be there to support and consume the space within.  The inner form needs the outer space to maintain its form, without who knows how the inner space will survive and whether it is fair or safe to let this space be released.

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Current Cube Experiments: Space within Space..

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, In : ECA 

These acetate cubes have been filled with water and frozen.  The idea is to now let the inner space escape and leave its mark to see its full potential if it is not contained.  I have also frozen cubes like these now with ink.  I will post the results as and when.

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Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, In : ECA 

The critique was really interesting with other students all showing work from their drawing residencies.  The work covered all approaches with work in sound, video photo, performance and of course drawing. 

My two pieces caused discussion in a few ways firstly my choice to attach the drawings to the wall using black electrical tape and secondly whether they were a pair or not.

The tape happened due to a 50/50 decision as it was either drawing pins or tape.. The pins bent when I tried to put ...

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3D to 2D forms.

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, In : ECA 
The 3D cubes I had made I thought worked well representing the balance or not so between inner and outer space.  I thought it would be good to return these to 2D format and work with them from there..

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Inner Cube..

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, In : ECA 
Cube inside the greater elevator cube inside the main building cube inside the city cube inside the country cube inside the continent cube inside the hemisphere cube inside the world cube the atmosphere the solar system and galaxy.  

What about the reverse?

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Paternal Cubes:

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, In : ECA 

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Space from 2D to 3D...

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, In : ECA 
The drawings spawned ideas of the inner space escaping the outer space.  Whilst also there was a dialogue about how the outer space try's to control the inner space kinda like a teenager and parents.  So I thought it might be worth seeing how a 3D form could represent this paternal idea whilst still keeping elements of drawing:


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Drawings Continued...

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, In : ECA 

These drawings are all done using a combination of graphite, marker, charcoal and xerox.
As I do not know where the end is or for that matter the start these drawings keep on evolving, the use of the xerox machine is to create multiples without using a computer.  This allows for reference points to go different directions even though they share the same starting point.

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More Drawings From The Inside...

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, In : ECA 

These drawings were done using graphite, bic biro and xerox...

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House of Leaves. Mark Z.Danielewski

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, In : ECA 

This novel by Mark Z.Danielewski is a book that I read about eight years ago.  I am not one for reading much however this book kept me reading from start to finish with little or no effort.  My current residency made me revisit this book and think about one of the three stories that runs through the book.  The story of a photo journalist and his family moving into a house that on the outside is normal just like any other houses built of its time.  However the story unravels when members of th...
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Space within space.

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, In : ECA 
Initial drawings of inner spaces being bigger than those that surround..  I am trying to draw something that I cannot see and in some ways does not exist, however by the same reason is there and is ever present.  The idea of the outside looking in and inside looking out and how the eyes try to adjust to comprehend.  Then the next step is for the brain to then accept that this space may be there and this opens the door to what is in there or what could be in there... Adventure, escape, knowle...
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From within... Inside looking out...

Posted by Dickie Webb on Tuesday, October 19, 2010, In : ECA 
The lift itself is functional and all the information on the inside reflects its purpose... Stripped back, basic function...

Three floors:



Number of persons: 21
Weight: 1598 kg

Doors Open

Alarm Bell

One Fluorescent Light

One Emergency Light

I hear the phrase, 'move along nothing to see here....' 
However maybe it is the space itself and what it can contain that I should be looking at:

The space alone says it can handle 21 people however on just looking alone you can see the space is n...
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ECA Drawing Residency: Sculpture Court Elevator.

Posted by Dickie Webb on Monday, October 18, 2010, In : ECA 

Functional Elevator shaft hidden away in the corner of the sculpture court in the main building at the Edinburgh College of Art.  I have chosen this site for my residency due to its purpose and function within the college.  It is not designed for looks or to enhance the building rather more to work behind the scenes and allow the three levels it serves to operate and function purposefully.
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Visual Camouflage... interesting link..

Posted by Dickie Webb on Friday, October 8, 2010, In : Projects 
Just getting back into the studio after a winter season in New Zealand..  My first short project titled Ambient Intervention which was based within the Edinburgh College of Arts estate.. I worked with a piece that I titled Valet Camouflage..  You can see pictures of this work on my site.  Today though I was reading an article about Yiting Cheng a designer who has designed a series of 8 works that all conceal or hide valuables within the home.  Follow this link to see more...
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